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News Update

The DVSA are encountering long delays with the driving test bookings in several postcode areas.  

Pass Now Ltd offer you the following services

Intensive Driving Courses

Intensive driving courses are cost effective and can help you to reach test standard very quickly.


Online Discounts

A £20 discount applies to your intensive driving course when you book online.


Book Your Course

Book your intensive driving course and benefit from the online discounts and free test offers.


Is an intensive driving course for Me? Intensive driving courses are a great option and can help learners at all levels of driving. So, whether you have no driving experience or have already taken a few lessons, these courses can be tailored to suit your driving needs. Your course will provide a concentrated and focused approach to learning, which will give you the opportunity to progress at a quicker pace.... Booking an intensive driving course will enable you to plan your diary and once you have passed the theory test the Pass Now Team can book your driving test. Intensive driving courses often workout to be more cost effective in the long run. Since you can complete your intensive driving course training within a shorter period, this helps reduce the number of lessons required overall and may help save money.... Normally an intensive driving course is booked over a couple of weeks and covers all the skills required to help make you a safe driver for life.

Intensive Driving Courses

Intensive driving courses are a popular method of learning to drive, offering a fast-track approach to completing a selected driving course, passing the practical test, and driving away with a full driving licence within possibly just a few weeks. Intensive driving courses are structured to suit all levels of driving from never driven to the more experienced that may only require a limited amount of tuition to reach test standard....

Theory And Practical Tests

The theory test is in two parts, multiple-choice questions, and the hazard perception. Providing you have studied the theory and practiced the hazard perception online you will find the tests are reachable goals. Your theory knowledge will help towards the new skills learnt on the intensive driving course. Having passed your theory will enable the driving test to be booked…

Block Booking Driving Lessons

Block booking sessions tend to suit potential drivers that do not have the time in their schedule to book a couple of weeks off. This type of course will enable you to book a couple of hours within your spare time each week building up to your driving test. The number of hours can change depending on how well you progress with your driving skills…


Frequently Asked Questions

An intensive driving course enables you to fast track your driving lessons over a consecutive number of days. This helps towards quickly achieving your learning skills and goals.

The cost for an intensive driving course will depend on your level of driving experience and on how many hours you think you will require. Link: Choose your intensive driving course.

Yes, it is best to structure the course over a period that suits your learning requirements. You will be the best judge regarding how easily you retain information and transfer that to practical skills.

Passing in a manual car will also allow you to drive an automatic car. Unlike the other way around if you pass in an automatic you will not be qualified to drive a manual car.

Normally you will be picked up from an agreed destination. If this is not possible one of the Pass Now Team will contact you to discuss an alternative option.

Pass Now Ltd can recommend an approved driving instructor in almost all areas.

This depends on how much driving experience you have. As a complete beginner you may require 30 hours plus or if you are nearly at test standard, you may only require a 12 hour refresher course to help you achieve test standard.

You can purchase additional driving lessons from your driving instructor. Discuss with the instructors regarding what the hourly rate is.

All recommended driving instructors are qualified and approved by the Driver and Vehicle Standard Agency.

You must take your UK driving licence, theory test pass certificate (if you have it) and a car if you are not using your driving instructors.

You will need to book another practical driving test with the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) and discuss how many additional driving lessons you will need to remedy the issues made on the test with your driving instructor.